20 research outputs found

    Experimenting a Modeling Approach for Designing Organization's Strategies in the Context of Strategic Alignment

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    National audienceAligning information systems (IS) to businesses hasrecently become a top-level concern in organizations.Several activities can be undertaken to deal withstrategic alignment: elaboration of key indicators,target definition, monitoring, analysis, impactpropagation etc. Working on strategic alignment, orcorrespondence between business and IS, requires torepresent and document these two elements. Indeed,documenting strategy is necessary to evaluate the ISability to satisfy the fundamental requirements oforganizations. Different works have demonstrated thatevaluating, documenting and analyzing IS alignmentcalls for modeling the elements to align. In the contextof strategic alignment, the problem is that there arevery few modeling techniques available to documentorganizations' strategic objectives with the level offormality needed to achieve this task. Within these few,even fewer are compatible with the ones used to defineIS functionalities. This paper explores the usability ofa goal modeling technique, already used in ISengineering, to model organization's strategy and tofacilitate strategic alignment analysis. An applicationexample is given, based on the well-known SevenEleven Japan case study

    Das Fotobuch "Ein Ghetto im Osten (Wilna)" - zwischen jüdischer Volkskultur und Avantgarde

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Fotobuch "Ein Ghetto im Osten (Wilna)" des jüdischen Fotografen M. Vorobeichic, das 1931 im Rahmen der Schaubücher-Reihe im Schweizer Orell Füssli Verlag erschienen ist. Im Fokus der Arbeit steht die Frage nach dem Verhältnis zwischen Form und Inhalt des Buches, aufbauend auf der Beobachtung, dass sich Vorobeichic für die ethnografische Darstellung des traditionellen jüdischen Lebens in Osteuropa einer radikal modernen Bildsprache bedient. Den Kern dieser Arbeit bildet eine umfassende inhaltliche und formale Analyse, gefolgt von einer Einordnung der „Ostjuden“-Thematik in den historischen Kontext ethnografischer Darstellungen des Judentums, sowie einer Einordnung der Gestaltungsmittel in den Kontext der fotografischen Avantgarde. Schließlich wird durch einen Vergleich mit zwei zeitnah erschienenen Publikationen – Das ostjüdische Antlitz von Arnold Zweig und Hermann Struck und Berlin Alexanderplatz von Alfred Döblin – Voroebichic’ Herangehensweise an die Thematik herausgearbeitet. Die Erkenntnis dieser Arbeit ist vor allem, dass sich die Fotografien auf inhaltlicher Ebene auf frühere ethnografische Darstellungen beziehen, dabei aber keine Darstellungstradition fortsetzen, sondern durch stilistische Verfremdungsmechanismen einen Bruch herbeiführen. Damit wird nicht nur – wie von Walter Benjamin und Bertolt Brecht gefordert – eine Distanz zum Dargestellten aufgebaut, sondern auch auf die Fremdheit der osteuropäischen jüdischen Volkskultur für das westeuropäische Publikum verwiesen

    Analyse des exigences pour la conception d'entrepôts de données

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    National audienc

    How Specific should Requirements Engineering be in the Context of Decision Information Systems

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    International audienceA decision information system (DIS) is a specific component of information system specialized in the support of decision-making by means of online analytical processing tools. Data warehouses (DW), at the core of DIS, integrate and historize collections of data often designed starting from the operational components of the Information Systems (IS). Methods, techniques and tools widely used in the industry to engineer DIS focus, mostly, on designing DW models. However a few approaches were recently proposed to deal with the early phase of DIS development and maintenance, i.e. requirements engineering (RE). As for other specific kinds of systems, the expectation is that better value shall be delivered to DIS users (i.e. different sorts of decision maker such as executives, or managers, as well as control managers or operational) if more effort is spent on analyzing their requirements in early phase of DIS engineering projects. However, DIS is very specific kinds of systems. Therefore the question is how specific should RE approaches be when developing a DIS? To addresses this question, we undertook an in depth analysis of (a) the specificities of DIS systems that shall have an impact on RE approach (b) expectations from DIS project stakeholders, and (c) gap analysis of DIS specific RE approaches and traditional RE approaches. The analysis is structured around the three main axes of RE approaches, i.e. formalization, specification, and consistency. The paper shows that although on a fundamental level RE for DIS approaches does not show conceptual differences with traditional RE for IS approaches, some differences exist in the way of working

    A Requirement-driven Approach for Designing Data Warehouses

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    International audienc

    Documenter l'Alignement d'un ED avec la Stratégie d'Entreprise en Vue de mieux Satisfaire les Exigences des Décideurs

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    National audienceABSTRACT. Documenting strategy is necessary to improve the ability of decision support systems, in particular Data Warehouses (DW), to satisfy the fundamental requirements of the enterprise and its chief executives. However, very few requirements-driven approaches have been proposed so far to design DW and even less to document enterprises' strategic objectives with a sufficient level of formality to do so. However, we believe that to align DWs to the enterprise's strategic requirements would allow to develop DW delivering more reliable support to strategic decision-making. Aligning the enterprise's strategy and DWs necessitates to specify both the DW requirements and the enterprise's strategy. This paper presents the CADWA approach that allows (i) to model the strategic objectives that must be taken into account in the DW and (ii) a way to plan and control its strategic alignment. The originality of our approach stands in the use of a unique modelling technique. The proposed approach is applied to the study of a Japanese retail company.RÉSUMÉ. Documenter la stratégie est nécessaire pour renforcer la capacité du système d'information décisionnel, notamment du système d'entrepôt de données (ED), à satisfaire les exigences fondamentales de l'entreprise et de ses dirigeants. Cependant, peu d'approches dirigées par les exigences sont proposées pour concevoir des ED et encore moins pour documenter les objectifs stratégiques de l'entreprise avec un niveau de formalité suffisant. Nous pensons qu'aligner le ED aux besoins stratégiques de l'entreprise permettrait de développer des ED offrant une meilleure fiabilité dans la prise de décision. L'alignement (ou la mise en correspondance) de la stratégie d'entreprise et de l'ED nécessite de spécifier à la fois les exigences de l'ED et la stratégie de l'entreprise. Cet article présente la méthode CADWA qui permet (i) de modéliser les objectifs stratégiques d'entreprise et des exigences de l'ED de manière unifiée et (ii) de planifier et contrôler son alignement stratégique. L'originalité de notre approche réside dans l'exploitation d'une technique de modélisation unique. Une illustration complète de l'approche est faite au moyen de l'étude du cas d'une entreprise de distribution Japonaise

    Strategic Alignment Documentation

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    International audienc